I’ll be talking and signing copies of Jana Bibi’s Excellent Fortunes at the Hall Memorial Library, 18 Park St, Northfield, NH. Please come and join in the conversation!
They Stomped on Down to Washington
Let’s go back, about 110 years, to a meeting, say in a small New Hampshire town. I’m conducting it, and I’ll now introduce our special guest. Mrs. Snodgrass Uppington, President of the Kearsarge Association Opposed to Further Extension of Suffrage for Women. Oh, wait, just one moment. There’s a march going on in the street. It’s so noisy. I’ll have to close the windows. Excuse me just a second, before Mrs. Uppington takes the dais. Mrs. Uppington? A …Read More
Betsy Woodman was educated on four continents, graduated from Smith College, and holds a Master's degree in Anthropology from Brandeis University. Read more »