Real People, Woodman Family »
Lee Woodman, poet
March 30, 2016 | 1 Comment | Betsy Woodman
My sister Lee Woodman
has had a distinguished career in the arts and media production and has held senior leadership positions at the Smithsonian Institution. Her radio and film awards include five Cines, two New York International Film Blue Ribbons, and three Gracies from American Women in Radio and Television.
Now, she’s writing stunning poems. Her first published poem appeared in Tiferet Journal this January. It is called “Understood Pasts and Unspoken Futures.” I was honored to figure in the inspiration of it:
Tiferet has invited Lee to take part in their April 2016 Poem-A-Thon. Participating poets submit a poem a day for 30 days and Tiferet posts them on their website. To support Tiferet as one of Lee’s sponsors, click here, or, of course, you can also subscribe to this beautiful magazine.
Now for a few family pics:
Me with baby sister Lee
Lee dancing, about age 10
Jubilant Lee, about age 12