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Girls with Curls
July 26, 2013 | 2 Comments | Betsy Woodman
Here are some more treasures from the biscuit box of photographs.
I’m wondering whether these three young women were relatives, friends, or schoolmates.
To me, the first one looks the youngest and most innocent, with her wide-eyed expression and loose curls. Also, although she wears a lace collar, brooch, and tie, she’s lacking the ribbon around her neck that the other two have on. Her own little rebellion against frippery? Or did she just forget?
The third one looks more worldly wise and is the only one wearing earrings.
I’m reminded of the chapter in Little Women when Amy, age twelve but very fashion-conscious, gets punished for bringing pickled limes to school. I’ll bet the girls in the novel dressed something like this.
These three tintypes were small–1 1/2 by 2 inches. Ironically, when they’re enlarged on the screen, we can see them better than the people who originally owned them.
Can you see any family resemblance at all? I once met a man who was descended from John Adams and he looked very much like him!
That third young lady looks as though she’s African American no?